Contact Information
(315) 686-3742
1. Children
a. Parents are responsible to supervise their children at all times and will be held accountable for the children’s’ behavior.
2. Club Privileges
a. The privileges of the Clayton Yacht Club are extended to all members in good standing. Privileges are also extended to include all members in good standing of reciprocal and visiting yacht clubs with a valid proof of membership.
b. The Club embraces positive business relationships amongst members however no solicitation of the membership or commercial activity is allowable at the club.
c. The membership limit of the club is 175 family memberships.
d. Individuals attaining the age of 25 are no longer eligible to solely use a family membership and at that time are required to apply for their own. They may continue to use a family membership as long as the named family member who is a club member is present.
3. Dockage: Assigned Slips
a. Slip assignments and waiting lists are managed by the Rear Commodore (RC). The RC has full authority to dictate when boats should arrive and depart for the season in consideration of safe dockage and slip usage.
i. You must be a member in good standing to be on the waiting list.
ii. Available slips are offered to the members in chronological order from the date of the request, in writing, to the Rear Commodore.
iii. The Rear Commodore will use best efforts to accommodate the list in chronological order, however due to varying sizes of slips and member use cases, the RC has full discretion to select requests in the order they deem necessary.
iv. If a member on the waiting list declines a slip, they may retain their place on the waiting list for a max of up to 3 declines unless exception granted.
v. Members who have slips assigned will keep their slips (or a replacement slip) in perpetuity as long as they desire and remain in good standing.
b. The slip will be used only by the member as arranged for the season with the Rear Commodore, replacement boats or guests are permitted for up to 24 hours, additional arrangements can be made with the Rear Commodore.
c. Members are permitted only one slip if there is a waiting list unless the Commodore approves an exception.
4. Dockage: Restaurant & Transient Slips
a. Restaurant slips are intended to be used by members who are visiting the club house, exceptional use of a restaurant slip may be approved by the Rear Commodore should there be a temporary need.
b. Yachts from reciprocal clubs and members without assigned dock space are welcome to our available restaurant dockage or overnight dockage on a space available basis. The Clayton Yacht Club does not participate in “no charge” reciprocal dockage arrangements, our schedule of fees is available via the Rear Commodore.
c. It is required to make arrangements with the Rear Commodore for overnight dockage at least 24 hours before arrival. Upon arrival, report to the Bar/Restaurant and register in the visitors’ logbook.
d. Fresh water and electricity are available on dock for your convenience. The electrical supply is 120 volts /30 amp, and all outlets are GFI protected, available for an additional fee.
5. Dress Code
a. General Philosophy: The club is a casual atmosphere where summertime activities often dictate wardrobe. We ask that you dress respectfully for the atmosphere of the club and your fellow club members and guests.
b. Shirts and shoes are required in all clubhouse areas.
6. Food and Drink
a. Alcohol must be purchased at the bar, with the exception of slip holders on docks or using the east dock deck, members are not permitted to bring outside alcohol.
b. The restaurant is available to support the food and beverage needs of our members, the leadership requests that members utilize the restaurant however, personal provisions (other than alcohol) may be brought to the club and consumed in areas other than the lower clubhouse. Gas barbecue grills are located in various areas for your convenience.
7. Garbage & Dumpsters
a. Dumpsters are for the use of the operations of the club and full season slip holders only.
8. Grounds
a. The Commodore is responsible for Club Grounds.
b. End of season: all personal items including cars, boats and trailers must be removed from the property by December 1stunless an exception is granted by the Commodore in writing (email is sufficient).
c. A coin-operated washer and dryer is available for members and visiting yachtsmen in the upper club house.
9. Guests of Member
a. Member must be present with any guests.
b. Maximum of three guest visits by one individual or family.
c. Guests of members may dock their boats only when attending Club functions or using Club facilities.
10. Inquiries and violations
a. Any members questions on policies or issues with the club should be directed to the Commodore only via email or phone.
b. Any enforcement of these rules and regulations will be handled by the Commodore with the Bridge and Board engaged for major violations.
c. The leadership will use best efforts to communicate verbal or written warnings and to remediate issues in a reasonable timeframe.
11. Payments
a. Payment terms of annual dues will be outlined in the invoices sent at the beginning of the season, failure to comply with the payment terms may result in membership termination.
b. The Club does not accept checks from non-members, all restaurant or transient dockage fees for non-members should be settled with cash.
c. Based on future plans, the Club may accept credit cards, a transaction fee will be added per use to recoup expenses.
12. Reciprocal Yacht Club Visitation
a. We encourage members with reciprocal privileges from other clubs to come join us and enjoy the club. It is required to check in upon arrival at the bar and sign the guestbook. The list of approved reciprocal clubs is available on our website. We ask that you limit to no more than three visits annually, more can be approved by the Commodore.
b. Proof of active membership i.e., membership card should be provided to the Steward upon arrival.
13. Restaurant
a. The restaurant is open seasonally for lunch and dinner, hours are posted in the main club house and on the website.
b. The club has the right to refuse alcoholic beverages to anyone who is visibly intoxicated.
14. Parking
a. Parking around the lower club and restaurant is allowed only while utilizing the restaurant, overnight parking and long-term parking for slip holders should be done in the upper parking lot adjacent to Bartlett Point Road.
b. Slip holders are permitted overnight parking of one vehicle per slip, if there is an expectation that additional vehicles will be required for greater than 24 hours, arrangements must be made with the Rear Commodore.
c. Non permitted vehicles are subject to be towed at owner’s expense.
15. Pets
a. Pets must be on a leash at all times while on Club property.
b. Pets are strictly prohibited inside the restaurant and upper club house—no exceptions.
c. We ask that you clean up after your pets, dog walking should occur in the upper club house area or along the upper parking area along the road.
16. Private Events
a. Club facilities including the lower clubhouse, upper club house and specific area grounds can be reserved for private events either utilizing the club’s kitchen or outside vendors.
b. The maximum capacity for a private event is recommended to be 100 guests; any provisions for additional parking, seating or tents will be done by the member, not the club.
c. Non-members are not permitted to schedule private events at the club.
d. Arrangements and any required exceptions to policy are handled by the Vice commodore.
17. Smoking
a. Smoking of any tobacco products or e-cigarettes is prohibited indoors of any building, under any covered area and within 100 feet of any front entrances of the Yacht Club buildings. Additionally, smoking is permitted in the rear of the lower clubhouse without the distance restriction.
18. Swimming
a. Swimming is not allowed at the Clayton Yacht Club. The dock is not intended as a platform for running, jumping, diving or swimming. Any member, family member or guest who engages in any of these activities is a potential hazard to themselves and to others and is doing so at their own risk.
b. Ladders on the docks are provided for safety purposes only.
19. Upper Club House
a. The upper club house houses seating areas, restrooms with showers, laundry and a kitchen. It may be used by members as available and private events can be scheduled with the Vice Commodore.
b. Members who use the upper clubhouse are responsible for leaving it in a clean condition.
20. Showers and Restrooms
a. Restrooms with showers are available in the restaurant and upper club house 24/7.
21. Telephone, Internet, Television
a. A telephone is located in the restaurant.
b. Wi-Fi is available in the lower clubhouse, terrace area and on the docks. Stewards have information on connections and passwords, if required.
c. A television is available in the Commodore room that is connected to the Wi-Fi, members can login to apps with their personal accounts but should remember to logout when usage is complete. Only family – appropriate content is permitted.
22. *Release of Liabilities:
a. Being a member of the Clayton Yacht Club and engaging in the activities available to club members, such as boating and swimming, but not limited to these activities, has an inherent risk of damage and injury. Members of the Clayton Yacht Club, their families and their guests are participating in the club’s activities entirely at their own risk.
b. The Bridge officers, other members of the Board of Directors, and all club employees will not be responsible for any damage to any property or the injury to any member, family member or guest, including death, sustained as a result of participation in the club’s activities or using the club’s premises and facilities. By using the club’s premises and facilities and/or participating in the club’s activities, each member, family member and guest agrees to release the Bridge Officers, other members of the Board of Directors and all club employees from any and all liability associated with the member’s participation in the Club’s activities to the fullest extent permitted by law.
As of May 2024 we are currently at maximum capacity with a substantial waiting list. In an effort to admit prospective members currently waiting, we are not accepting new applications at this time and will revisit in spring / summer of 2025.
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